I thought photos taken by me with a disposable would be rubbish. But it depends what you point the thing at...

Hmm, Versailles....

Romantic lighting

A view of the grounds.

And plenty of space inside.
I would move in right away if it weren't for...

...the hordes of people.
"Excuse me! Out my way! Can't you see I'm pretending to be Madame de Pompadour?"

Part of 'The Farm' that Marie Antoinette had made. There was something Disney about it. If your head is this far up in the clouds, some one will want to remove it from your shoulders.

This is why French women don't get fat.

Mosquee de Paris. If you could get massages, steam baths, and delicious sweets in Church, I'd be there much more often.

Birdies at my table in the mosque.

More beautiful Middle Eastern inspired architecture at L'Institut du Monde Arabe

In detail.

Still beautiful, my mother.